PBS Evolution A Critical Review

TV REVIEW: PBS Series on Evolution Tiptoes Over Tough Issues, Ignores Others

Originally published at The Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA)

Pamela Winnick discusses the PBS series “Evolution” in an article published for The Post-Gazette:

The series, which runs for four nights tomorrow through Thursday, completely ignores the Intelligent Design movement, which began about a decade ago when serious scientists — many with doctorates from prestigious universities — began to tackle evolution on scientific grounds. Among them is Michael Behe, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University who has set out to prove that even at the cellular level, life is too complex to come about through natural selection. Behe is hardly alone among scientists who have scientific problems with evolution. But you’d never know this from watching this series.

If the producers were too afraid to tackle the tough issues, then they should have stuck to science and omitted religion and the melodramas of Darwin’s life.

I wish that PBS, dealing with a controversy that simply will not go away, had had the guts to do more than preach to the choir.

Continue reading at The Post-Gazette.